The Heidelberg University of Education was founded in 1962 and has since its establishment seen a steady rise in student numbers. Nowadays, more than 4,600 students are reading various educational and pedagogical subjects at the university, with a special focus on teacher education for primary and secondary years and special needs education. Moreover, the university offers multiple master and doctoral programs, in addition to further postdoctoral training towards a junior or full professorship qualification.
The UNESCO Chair on Observation and Education of World Heritage and Biosphere Reserves is situated at the Department of Geography – Research Group for Earth Observation (rgeo) at the Heidelberg University of Education. It is being led by Prof Dr Alexander Siegmund, chairholder of the UNESCO chair and pro-rector for research, sustainability, and digitalisation at the university. The chair focuses on three central research themes, digital geo-media, climate change adaptation and education, and education for sustainable development. The latter happens in close collaboration with the “Heidelberg Centre for Education for Sustainable Development.”
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