Professionalisation of Academic Teaching to Infuse SDGs in Latin American Universities

Project Summary
In the last 20 years, most Latin American countries have taken significant steps to improve their higher education institutions (HEIs), but major challenges remain, such as unequal access to education, high dropout and repetition rates, insufficient teacher qualifications, and uneven assessments and accountability systems. Our partner countries Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Mexico are committed to aligning themselves with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. There is no systematic attempt to infuse the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in our partners’ HEIs and most of the applied teaching methodology focuses on lecturing, with limited use of i) problem-based and interdisciplinary learning; ii) placed-based pedagogy; ii) utilization of ICTs as enabling pedagogical tools, and other innovative teaching/learning strategies suitable to address the SDGs challenges. Academic teaching represents one of the strongest and most influential forces in ensuring equity, access, and quality of education (SDG4), but academic teachers are not yet ready to meet this challenge. By the end of the ACT4SDGs project, there will be the necessary resources and a significant cohort of (>1200) academic teaching champions and staff in our partner universities, who will drive wider changes in their HEIs and society by implementing the SDG in multiple academic disciplines in line with their National Development Plans and in alignment with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the European Green Deal.