About the project partners
All partner institutions of the ACT4SDGs project are shown below. The consortium is made up of ten universities from Latin America and four institutions from Europe. Universities from Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Mexico represent Latin America, while Cyprus, Germany, and Greece depict Europe. The project is being coordinated by the Heidelberg University of Education in Germany. The following order does not portray a difference in the level of significance of each university towards the project. It is merely the number each institution got assigned at the start of the project.
The Heidelberg University of Education was founded in 1962 and has since its establishment seen a steady rise in student
Frederick University is one of the leading private Universities operating in the Republic of Cyprus, a member-state of the European
Established in 1973, the University of Crete is a young public educational institution with about 20000 students located in a
RCE Crete, the Regional Center of Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development operates as a Non-Governmental and Non-Profit Organisation acknowledged
Earth Charter International (ECI) is the organization that powers the Earth Charter global movement with information, networking, and education to
The National Technical University (UTN) is the fifth public university in Costa Rica. It was founded in June of 2008
The National University is an institution committed to promoting social justice, the common good, and respect for human dignity. Its
The University of Costa Rica is an institution of higher education and culture, constitutionally autonomous and democratic, made up of
The Autonomous University of the State of Mexico is a public organization endowed with full autonomy, which provides high school
The Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo is a public and secular institution of high school and higher education,
The Universidad de Santander (UDES) is a private non-profit institution, recognized by the Ministry of National Education (Resolution No. 6216
Founded in 1960, Universidad EAFIT is an institution that is convinced that academic excellence, the strengthening of faculty, teaching and
The University of San Andrés (UdeSA) is an academic community committed to the pursuit of truth and to making a
Austral University is the leading private higher education institution in Argentina, with a community of +9000 students. It offers +380